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Features New Content Editing
Gallery 8.22.24 - New Story: Rachel Article Drive
Stories 8.21.24 - New Chapter: Roommates Help
Index of articles 8.16.24 - New Chapter: Frankie Sandbox
ASFR Master List 8.02.24 - New Story: Frustration Upload Files
Commissions 7.29.24 - New Story: New Neighbors Recent Changes
Photo Workshop 7.22.24 - New Story: The Exchange Student Unused Files
Writing Workshop 7.18.24 - New Chapters: Jeff and Sydney New Files

Featured Author - September

Natalie Bayer
Stories: 44

Story of the week:

View past Author's of the Month

There was a sudden odd sensation that Frankie’s processors parsed. Balance coordinates and procedures were thrown completely off. A sudden flood of alert messages flooded her field of vision and there was a dramatic drop in her power consumption. All of this just a moment or two after she felt Simone’s hands on her thigh, high on her hips and another between her groin and leg.

Frankie came to realize that her whole leg had just been disconnected, not only because of the myriad of error messages, but because she saw Simone holding it once the field of warnings were cleared from her vision.

She could see the tangled mess of cables and wires dangling from the end of the leg. Her foot was hanging limp at the end of it, dangling from what small amount of cables remained connected and shreds of flesh. Frankie’s eyes drifted from the leg Simone was holding back to her own body. There was a small portion of her upper thigh that remained in place, but her leg was missing. There were matching sets of multi-colored cables and wires dangling from her remaining leg stump.

Lining the edge of where her leg once was, remained a thick layer of artificial skin. It was almost half an inch thick, and it cut a hard edge where it met the internal structure and framework of Frankie’s leg. She pushed herself up just a little more, enough to support her weight on one hand. With her other hand she reached forward, running the tips of her fingers along the edge of the exposed leg port.

Her operating system fed her data about the feeling. She felt her fingers running along the skin, but as soon as they crested over the edge and moved along the inner edge, the edge that was always covered by her now disconnected leg, she suddenly felt nothing. Yet her fingers still registered a feeling, it was enough to throw a myriad of small errors in her processing system.

“I don’t know if your mom has more replacements or anything.” Simone said as soon as she returned from setting Frankie’s damaged leg on Sigourney’s desk. “But I can’t find anything. So, I guess you’re out of commission until she comes home.”

“That is alright.” Frankie replied. “Perhaps you could carry me to my room then? I can rest there until she returns.”

“Yeah, sure.”

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