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Featured Author - February Mirage Story of the week: View past Author's of the Month |
I released the button and she quickly closed the door. I ran to her door and got in her office and closed and locked it behind me. "What is happening to me????" she asked quickly, confused by her sudden ecstasy of sexual arousal. "What are you feeling?" I asked her, amused by her situation. "I.. I.. Not.. Programmed for this...Help me.... not programmed... call the tech help line... Oohhh.. Not programmed.." she blurted out, obviously starting to malfunction. I then took pity on her and pressed the "-" sign on the remote and lowered her libido to normal, which for her is zero. "Ohh... returning to normal function..." she softly said. She sat in her chair, looking at me worried. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "You know I am an android. My identity is out, I must report this and they will replace me." she said, in a cold tone. "Hey, relax, your secret is safe with me." I told her. |
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