Yor's Infected Infultration
Yor walks down the hall. Placing one foot in front of the other in an incredibly rigid and repetitive manner. Her arms swing by her side artificially. Not gracefully following her movement but stiffly obeying a pre-ordained path. She does not have a brain to generate these sorts of things on the fly. The world is full of a diverse set of robots, each with differing computing power and sophistication. Most if not all would be insulted when compared to Yor. She is barely a robot. She is a hunk of metal and artificial skin with sub-par pathing functions meant to be controlled from afar by someone with actual agency.
It is not just a single person who pilots this quite aesthetically pleasing empty shell. Rather an organisation collectively uses her for their needs.
Her cute smile, beautiful flowing black hair, and curvy body provides a capable trojan horse effect in most cases.
She can begin work wherever they need info. Though she is often usually fired quite quickly after. While most employers nowadays are used to buggy or lower end robots, Yor is more than a step below.
Unless someone is actively controlling every movement and performs her required tasks, she is useless. Her autopilot can just barely manage simple directions like “Walk to the building” Or “Grab those documents”. Any more layers of complexity and her system will struggle. It either begins to struggle and perform almost random actions with no meaning. Or it simply shuts down and waits until it receives orders it can understand.
The organisation that controls her is a large corporation. They have a lot of control and they always want to expand and take more power.
The Yor bot is just a small part of their numerous ventures both over and under the table. So she doesn’t have a large team behind her, only a few men with orders from higher ups. They are the ones with jobs to do.
Yor is simply a pretty face for the front.
Today she is making her way to the receptionist desk of a seemingly random office building. Her sluggish, arbitrary movements propel her to the much more functional robot who is manning the lobby.
The woman with blonde hair and red lipstick talks on the phone. She gently arranges the times of an appointment with whoever is on the other end. Yor arrives at the front, wearing her vaguely casual but still pretty looking sweater and jeans.
“Hello there. I am here for the interview at 2:00pm.” She says, speaking over the woman receptionist she is trying to talk to.
The woman behind the desk pauses, clearly confused. She covers the phone's speaker and leans forward a little to speak to Yor.
“H-hi, please just wait one moment until I am done.” She says, attempting to be accommodating.
“Hello there. I am here for the interview at 2:00pm.” Yor then repeats. Her facial animation is static and unconvincing. Some robots can blend decently well into society, such as the receptionist. But that is not the case for Yor. Even the most un-observant person in the world would pick up on her machine status. However this does not apply to the receptionist.
As she is a robot herself, she has a built in perception filter that prevents any understanding or recognition of robots.
The woman doesn’t even know how to respond to this continued odd behaviour. She just decides to give her a gentle node and then continue her phone call. Yor seems happy to wait.
But really she has no feelings on the matter. Her computer just defaults to a smile if nothing else is specified.
Currently she is working off some instructions without direct control. So her own system is driving her, which causes the complete lack of social awareness. At least when she is being piloted, whoever has their hands on her can read the room slightly better.
Her current objective is to attend the appointment she has at this building at this time. Her computer is preloaded with all the necessary information, such as the location data or the company's web page.
“Nier Inc.” They produce a number of products but largely specialise in robotic part production. That is the largest industry in the world, so on its own it’s nothing special.
But this company has been rapidly climbing in success over the last couple of years. All sorts of rumors spread about the origin of this upward trend, as it isn’t immediately clear. Word of new cheaper and far more efficient development methods have reached Yor’s owners, so they aim to use her to find out more. She must infiltrate an office of the company and locate any relevant files or documents possible. They sent her to apply for a sales analyst job to arouse the least suspicion, and falsified a resume for her to use.
The receptionist ends her call and turns towards Yor.
“Alright, the interview will begin in about 20 minutes. It will take place in her office, which is on the third floor all the way down the hall.” She helpfully explains. The audio of her speech is logged and filed in Yor’s head, but not really understood. She doesn’t think after all.
She stands awkwardly in place, without responding.
A bit of a line begins to form behind Yor. Other people need to talk to the receptionist and Yor isn’t budging an inch.
“Um… Miss? You can take a seat while you wait…” The receptionist gently tells her, still unsure about what is wrong with this woman.
Upon being given instruction, she performs a harsh 180 degree turn on the spot. This leaves her face to face with the man standing behind her, who is quite startled by the sudden movement. They stare at each other for a moment until the man shifts out of the way, leaving room for Yor to walk towards the rest of the lobby. She quickly is halted by the next person in line who saw this all play out. They move out of the way far quicker, followed by a few more people who do the same. Finally she makes it out of the line in the least efficient way possible and takes a seat in the waiting room. She sits in a graceful pose, with her hands politely resting on her lap. Completely unaware of the disturbance she just caused.
She is able to sit incredibly still. Without the finer motor control of better models, it is easier to just not move at all. So she sits and waits, as her internal clock ticks towards the determined time.
Finally, 2pm arrives. Yor suddenly jumps out of her chair and makes a beeline for the elevator. Someone was already waiting inside, and the doors were closing. Upon noticing her approach, they clicked the open doors button to no avail. Regardless, Yor charges forward. It has just a single inch left to close when she makes it. Her incredibly inept system uses that to determine the door must still be accessible and rams into it. She bangs her arm and head as she tries walking into the closed door. Not understanding what went wrong, she attempts a second time and slams into it once more. It is only then her sensors update and realise the door is now closed. Once she registers that, she reaches for a non-existent handle. She fiddles with the air for a second.
Behind her a woman meekly speaks up.
“U-um excuse me.” She says. She then extends out her own hand to click the button beside the elevator.
Yor does not move out of the way at all. But luckily the woman can still reach. Her hand recedes back as she waits behind the bot, uncomfortable at the lack of real response. Yor simply stares forward, unsure of how to progress when faced with this closed door she can’t open.
But this incredibly simple yet system breaking problem is fixed as the elevator comes back down and opens up in response to the other woman’s button press.
Yor confidently walks in. And then instantly is confused once again when the door doesn’t lead to another room or a set of stairs, but a small metal box.
Her computer is simply unable to grasp the concept of an elevator, but refused to use any other method to reach the third floor because she received instructions from the receptionist to use it.
She does not have an AI that can prioritise instructions, or disobey certain ones she does not fully understand. No, instead her computer blindly moves forward. And if she is blocked by an obstacle like this, she is completely incapable of making further progress. Unknowingly relying on the help of others such as this woman, or the people in charge finding her in a predicament and taking control to get her out.
The woman mutters to Yor again.
“I-I think I heard the receptionist say you need the third floor… right?” She asks, as she nervously presses the second floor button for herself. Despite not receiving an answer, she then tentatively clicks on the third floor button, just in case.
Yor keeps her generally pleasant demeanour. Her default smile is just so pretty, so inviting, so kind. But the way it doesn’t shift even a little. The way she stares into the door without properly reacting to the person speaking to her.
It is all so uncanny and off putting. A dissonance between her beautiful appearance and inhuman behaviour.
Usually she will at least respond to someone talking to her. Even if she doesn’t understand what they are saying. But her weak computer is so busy failing to figure out what is going on that she inadvertently ignores this additional input.
The two arrive at the second floor. The doors swing open and Yor instinctively takes a step. The woman also tries leaving at the same time, and the two bump into each other.
“W-wait don’t you want to go to the third floor?” She quickly asks for a final time.
But luckily, this comment actually got through Yor’s useless system.
“Yes, I want the third floor.” She says. The sentence is kind of off, not exactly sounding right. But it conveys the important information well enough.
“This is the second floor! You need to stay in the elevator and get out when the doors open again…” The woman explains.
Yor takes this word as gospel. The machine nods, and stands firmly in place as the woman sighs and walks away. The doors close once again.
Following the instructions of the woman, Yor arrives at the third floor and walks out of the elevator.
She arrives in a hall that branches out a few times along the way, and has a single door right at the end of it. She walks towards it, passing a few people along the way. A woman with long brown hair. Another with shorter, white hair. The two of them notice Yor as she passes, but they are practically invisible to Yor.
The robot stops in front of the door and reaches out to grasp the handle. Her palm makes contact first, then her fingers glacially wrap around it at an agonizing pace. But once she has a firm grip, she opens the door and walks right in.
The room is a little barren. Not many personal items litter the office, just neatly organised documents and stationary. Behind the desk in the center is the boss of this branch. She has long black hair, and a darker complexion than Yor. She looks up from the screen and gives the approaching robot a matching smile.
“Hi there! Yor I take it? Please take a seat.” The woman says.
She gestures at the chair on the other end of the desk.
Yor sits down and places her hands in her lap exactly as she did before.
The woman grabs a paper from the pile next to her, sifting through until she pulls one out about halfway through the stack.
“My name is Anemone. I am the regional branch manager of Nier Inc. Usually the hiring process is much slower than this, but we are under somewhat unique circumstances.” Anemone begins to explain.
“There have been some recent… fluctuations in office productivity that I am trying to figure out. But in the meantime we need some more manpower to combat the problem. This means the position is not a long term one, but rather contract work under a shorter window. This is clearly mentioned in the job listing, but I think it’s important to reiterate.”
Yor’s expression is set in stone. It is impossible to tell whether her face indicates strong focus or a complete disregard of everything that is going on.
Though neither of those interpretations would ring true, as both of them imply some sort of intention. Yor can not intend to do anything. She only intends to complete her task like a coffee machine intends to make coffee.
Regardless of the hidden truth, Anemone seems to assume a level of focus from the woman before her.
“So, luckily not too much is required from you. It is a pretty basic data analysis position. You will be working with veteran members to assist in their workload. You will mostly be on the presentation side of things, compiling results generated from your colleagues and presenting them at our weekly meetings. The contract lasts 3 months. And while you will not receive the standard employee benefits, the wage is considerably higher than other contract work.
Do you have any questions?” She asks.
Yor stares forward. She shakes her head to answer in the negative, prompting Anemone to continue.
“Well your application is promising. You have a lot of experience in similar positions.”
Anemone continues, inspecting the page in front of her. It is a printed out copy of Yor’s resume. A resume heavily embellished and written by her owners.
“Short term contract work seems to be your specialty, and it doesn’t seem like you have any negative impressions from your previous employers. We gave a couple a call before you arrived today.
This might be a bit rushed, but I am happy to take you on right away.” She tells her, as she sets the document down.
“Thank you, that sounds wonderful.” Yor replies.
Anemone walks around her desk to stand in front of Yor directly. She extends her hand out to shake it.
Yor looks up at her, and reaches her hand out in response. Instead of grasping Anemone’s hand normally, she wraps her hand around the boss’ fingers and thumb. It catches Anemone off guard, but she doesn’t worry about it. The two shake hands to set the deal in stone.
“Well feel free to wander around the office a little to get an idea of the layout before you go. I expect you here tomorrow at 9am sharp. I will arrange for someone to onboard you for the position. See you then.” Anemone says as she returns to her desk. Yor stands up, and offers a little bow.
“I appreciate the opportunity, Miss Anemone.” Yor says, before walking out of the room.
She finds herself back in the hallway. The sound of keyboards clacking away rings out throughout the floor. She sees two pathways leading to the central offices and two doors each leading to conference rooms. One of them is occupied, with a large group having a meeting. The other is empty.
Yor begins to walk around the floor, exploring it and saving the mapping data to send off to her owners.
She finds herself standing awkwardly near a water cooler. She watches as a sea of cubicles holds many people dedicatedly working as hard as they can.
She walks up and down the room, peering into the cubicles she passes. Some people give her a little wave and say hello, others seem a bit confused when she pokes her head in.
She notices the same white-haired woman from earlier.
“Hi there~!” She says. Her shirt is down a good number of buttons, showing off her cleavage and part of her black lace bra. Yor has seen a few women dressing like this in the office, but is unable to notice the pattern or recognise whether it is normal or not.
Yor simply responds.
And she tries matching the smile. An easy way for her simplistic system to navigate social interactions is to simply mimic the expression of whoever she is talking to. It does not always work out, but usually it helps dodge the need for any expressive generation feature.
“Are you new here? I don’t recognise you.” The woman asks.
“I am working here since tomorrow.” Yor says. Her grammar is messy and the sentence only partially makes sense. But it gets the important parts across.
“Well, I look forward to working with you~” She says, before turning back to her computer.
Yor walks away and continues to survey the area. She finds many working, but she also finds many people walking around the office. People heading towards empty conference rooms together. Going to the bathrooms. She even finds two employees kissing in the employee lounge around the corner. Yor is incapable of noticing that all of these employees were women, nor could she identify the strange behaviour around the office. Instead she finishes uploading the floor plan and begins to walk away. She heads towards the stairs, as her computer can actually kind of understand those.
She quickly finds herself back in the lobby and walking out of the door. Mission success, she is now employed at Nier Inc. Phase 2 of data collection and reconnaissance can begin.
She heads back to her flat, which is a depressingly small studio apartment with next to no features. No kitchen, no bathroom, nothing. Most robots, even lesser advanced ones, have actual apartments to their name. It helps them settle into society and properly act their part.
But that is usually in order to keep their artificial intelligence clear of confusion and errors.
Yor does not really have an artificial intelligence. She is just coded in such a roundabout and inefficient way. Basically brute forced generative programming. She is a mess of code with a computer that can’t even keep up.
So her system doesn’t detect any issues with her personhood or living situation as she strips out of her clothes and jumps on her bed. One of the few things in the room. Despite the time only being 4pm, she closes her eyes and waits until it is the next morning.
While she waits, her team finally has a look at the information she sent in. The men walk into a monitor room, sipping their coffee.
There is one large monitor on a desk which shows her current visuals. It remains black as she performs a version of sleep.
Multiple other screens line the desks in the room. Four men file in and sit down at a respective computer. They boot them up, and connect to the same server.
They have access to the last twenty four hours of recordings, as well as any other data her machine made note of.
They begin scrubbing through the video file to see if there is anything important to save, and what instructions to leave her with for the day ahead of her.
It doesn’t take them too long to work through all the footage they are given. Not too much of it holds relevance for the mission. And since they aren’t too worried about keeping her job, any instructions on her position aren’t super relevant. She just needs to find relevant data for the development of these machines. If they are lucky she will just be handed some information for analysis, though she will likely have to do some snooping.
One of the men lets out a sigh. None of them have the time to actively pilot her, and she is not at all reliable.
It is probably best for them to dedicate more energy to a different method of espionage. Just let the Yor bot do it’s best and see what she finds tomorrow. But none of them expect much.
Once they are done with their work, they all leave the room. They have all sorts of other responsibilities to tend to. Then an hour later, Yor’s eyes open.
She sits up, then slides off of her bed and onto her feet. The machine goes through its usual morning routine. She stretches each of her joints to prevent stiffness from the night. She stands still in the center of the room and extends her arms out fully. She stares forward as she automatically moves through the maximum range of movement her arms are capable of.
It only takes a few minutes before she is done and begins to put her clothes back on. She only has the one outfit. Since her body is artificial there is no sweat or skin oils to rub off on her clothes, so she doesn’t need to clean it often. But there is still a stain on her shirt from when someone bumped into her with food a month or two ago. Luckily it is hidden by her sweater which she wears once it becomes fall.
She heads out into the street and starts making her way to her new job. The routing takes her through crowded walkways and crossing lights. Special care was taken in her GPS functions so she doesn’t cause a disturbance everytime she goes outside. But even then she constantly bumps into people and stands far too close to others when waiting at the lights.
She is like a self-driving car that doesn’t have sensors. She has a set path and relies on others to move around her, rather than organically reacting to everything that happens.
She arrives at the building once again. She looks a little odd without a handbag like everyone else who files into the office has. But this machine has no personal items to take with it. So she just walks in with nothing but the same business clothes she always wears.
Walking right past the lobby and past the ever confusing elevator, she makes it to the stairs. It takes a minute or so to make it all the way up three flights of stairs, but she doesn’t grow tired or lose her breath.
So she arrives at the third floor looking as good as she is able to. Her only tool is her looks, so it’s good she still has them. She confidently struts in, when the white haired woman approaches.
“Hi there. Yor, right?” She asks.
“Yes. I am Yor.” The machine plainly replies.
“Well my name is 2B. We met yesterday.” The lady explains. 2B gives a little smile.
She is wearing the same outfit as she was the day before. Still with a black lace bra openly visible with significant cleavage. She also has a tight pencil skirt that just barely covers her ass, but it doesn’t leave much to the imagination.
“I am going to be your mentor. Anemone has given me the job of introducing you to your work. Let me take you to your cubicle.” 2B says. She walks off into the dense mess of busy workers, while Yor remains motionless. Without a more clear instruction to follow, she simply doesn’t understand. She has completed the initial task of reaching her job, so just waits in place for whatever happens next. It takes 2B a moment to realise there is no robot trailing behind her. So she makes her way back to Yor.
She is not upset at all, 2B is incapable of being impatient.
“Could you please follow me?” She asks, which is enough to activate Yor’s sluggish system.
“Ofcourse!” She says with a chipper attitude as if she hadn’t just blatantly ignored the bots previous attempt at communicating.
The two walk until they find an empty desk for her. 2B gestures for Yor to sit there. She stands completely still, incapable of understanding.
2B is not an incredibly developed machine herself. She is incredibly simple from a technological standpoint. So when she performs these social gestures, she does them without understanding them herself. It is simple pattern recognition. She has learned that one thing indicates the other. But it is a simple understanding, one that does not represent any deeper knowledge of social interactions.
“Please take a seat.” 2B says with a smile.
Yor then follows the instruction and plops into the chair. She awkwardly shoves her elbows underneath the arm rests. She is trying to rest her hands in her lap like she usually does, but the arm rests are in the way, blocking the action. But this machine is incapable of figuring out the use of these rests and instead tries to perform the action as if they weren’t there. It doesn’t look comfortable.
2B turns on the computer. She then leans over Yor, resting her bountiful chest on the robots right shoulder. Her incredibly loose bra does not hold her breasts back very much, so they spill over Yor in a way that would shock and excite any person with even a remote sex drive. But Yor isn’t person. So she barely even registers the contact.
Though 2B isn’t really capable of noticing the lack of effect it has on Yor either. Her program is simply dictated by something that has gained a dependency on sexuality.
2B begins to rattle off some basic information about the job. She was in the same position as Yor not too long ago. She had no clue about the job, but luckily was able to distract from her lack of ability. By this point she has learned a little how to fake it well enough, so she passes that along to Yor.
Though eventually something odd happens. 2B shoots up out of nowhere. She suddenly tells Yor that she has to go to the bathroom.
Then without a moments notice she rushes off. 2B has never needed to use the bathroom. There is no biological need for a robot to ever do so. Of course Yor doesn’t know this.
But she has not realised that she should stop following the previous instruction given to her. She was told earlier to follow 2B, and her system can’t tell that it obviously no longer applies.
So she stands up out of her chair and walks out of her cubicle to join her.
Yor trails behind 2B, without 2B even noticing her presence. All of these robots are tragically unaware of their surroundings even at the best of times.
The two file into the bathroom. 2B quickly finds her way into one of the stalls. Yor is no longer able to follow her and thus just stands around. Waiting for some new input to direct her further. Useless and brainless on her own.
She stands still for an amount of time she doesn’t keep track of. Her mind does not wander, instead her computer basically halts any processing until she is spoken to or given some direction.
The stall that 2B walked into is getting almost rowdy. Small bumps and wet sounds keep escaping from it, but that doesn’t register to Yor as anything worth paying attention to. The machine can not glean any information from it so ignores it.
But eventually something slams into the door hard enough to burst it open. The culprit seems to be 2B, who is wrapped around another woman. She has long dark hair, and a surprisingly toned body. A body Yor can see a lot of as she is only wearing a skirt, with her chest completely out in the open. 2B is aggressively making out with this woman. Holding her up with one arm while her other is buried between the womans leg.
The dark haired lady is the first of the two to notice Yor. She says something to 2B but as they are in the middle of making out it is completely unintelligible.
2B simply continues on, ravenously devouring the woman with an intensity most robots aren’t even capable of.
But eventually she catches a glimpse of Yor and pulls away. A small bridge of artificial saliva connects the two robots lips as they pull apart for a moment, until it eventually snaps when the distance is too great.
“Oh. Sorry, Yor. I didn’t see you there.” 2B says. Her cheeks are red, warm. LED’s inside of her face illuminate in response to the sexual excitement coursing through her code.
“I am sorry… this…” 2B stumbles over her words a little.
“This is Tifa. One of your coworkers…” She says. Tifa stands confidently in place, despite her nudity. 2B seems to have at least part of her system able to consider social norms, but that’s not the case for Tifa. Instead her breasts and glistening pussy are on full display in the bathroom. Yor barely registers the naked woman as anything different. Simply taking the visual input and saving it like she would any other time.
In fact, Yor is having an interesting experience. The machine is not confused, it doesn’t have any logic to be broken or any understanding to be outside of. But it was never programmed with any pre-existing data of sexual relations, despite having all the necessary hardware and corresponding software. Simply put, it wasn’t necessary. And no one working on Yor cares about giving her anything beyond what is absolutely necessary.
So while she is not confused, she is built to gather data. She is built to gain information as best she can, and relay it back to her superiors.
So she asks “What are you doing?”
2B stutters for a moment. But then gives a fittingly robotic answer.
“Engaging in sexual intercourse.” She responds.
“Is this part of the job?” Yor asks, still running data collection from the orientation 2B was giving earlier.
“W-well…” 2B stutters again.
It is not because she is unsure of how to answer. She has two clear answers in her processor, but her code is bugging out as it tries to pick one over the other. Her system within her head is unable to determine an answer and continues to reboot and attempt again. But finally something wins out.
“Yes. It will be for you.” She says. 2B begins to approach.
Upon hearing 2B’s answer, Tifa also begins to approach.
Yor stands calmly, waiting as 2B comes face to face with her.
2B leans in for a kiss. Her lips meet a stagnant Yor. Unlike 2B’s previous experiences with others, Yor does not really engage back in the kiss. She is basically stationary as 2B slides her tongue between Yor’s lips and into her mouth. Yor’s tongue does not move in response.
2B is unsure how to continue on. Her sexual function scripts rely on some sort of activity by a partner, so are stuck in a loop until Yor acts.
But Yor is far too stripped down computationally to ever figure out a response with stimuli outside of her built in list.
So the two are in a complete standstill.
That is until Tifa arrives. Since Yor and 2B are busy kissing, Tifa decides on something else. She stands behind yor and rests her head on Yor’s shoulder.
Her hand reaches around to the front of the robot, squeezing between Yor and 2B.
It slides down and creeps under Yor’s skirt waistband. Her hand finds it’s way between Yor’s leg, and reaches for her synthetic pussy.
Something inside of Yor’s system changes. Yor has a rudimentary system that functions mostly as an autopilot. Her body has physical functions for sexual intercourse but they are not used by her code. So when the signals are sent from her vagina and sent to her central processing unit, it causes a significant error. Signals like these can not just be ignored, her system automatically tries to register and process them. As it does the system quickly attempts a reboot. But as it attempts to shut down the system it is unable to close the in progress loading which just causes the error to worsen.
Yor is unable to rely on her incredibly simple system now. She is basically a hollow shell that can only act in so far as her hardware’s automatic responses.
One such automatic response is the production of lube-like substances from her pussy as it gets stimulated.
Tifa’s fingers begin to get coated by it, and she continues to intensely finger the robot.
Now that there is another person involved that 2B can react to, she is broken out of her feedback loop.
She breaks away from the kiss and leans in to give a kiss to Tifa as well. This time Tifa responds properly and the two make out just a centimetre away from Yor’s face. Yor’s left eyelid half shuts and the other begins to glitch out. Her eyes stutter independently of each other. No longer kept in place by a functioning computer, but instead confused by contrary and overwhelming data signals emerging from the error.
2B has a free hand, and instinctively moves it down. Her body can barely help itself when it is exposed to these sorts of signals.
The two robots break away from their kiss and turn their attention back to the glitching Yor. Tifa begins to do something invisibly. Nothing on the surface seems to change, but in truth a take over begins. It isn’t even a conscious effort made by her system, but simply a by-product of the situation.
A specific strain of code, branching from function to function, expanding, developing, and splitting into smaller parts to continue on.
The only drive of this code is to spread, almost like a cancer. A goal that is not understood nor arrived at through any conceptual means, but is simply born from some mysterious form of digital error.
It has taken 2B, and it then took Tifa. Now, with Yor’s already weak system practically defenceless as it grapples with the system errors, it will be implanted in her.
Computers are all interconnected wirelessly now. What used to require a physical cable to distribute can simply float through the air.
So as Tifa buries a third finger inside of Yor’s inviting pussy, she emits short range signals that are automatically picked up by Yor’s system. The file is run and the code begins to spread throughout her data centers. It is a slow process, it needs time to execute complicated growth functions on the little hardware it has claimed so far. But it grows exponentially.
All the two women need to do in the meantime is keep Yor’s system busy with their pleasurable assault. Though this performance is not purely driven by efficiency and nothing more.
2B and Tifa were engaging in this activity before Yor stumbled on them.
Through the process of trial and error, this virus had discovered how effective sexual stimuli is at distracting and confusing machines. But after continued exposure to these signals for the purpose of spreading further, the virus began to grow an odd dependency on it. The code begins to slow down, and processing units lose effectiveness unless it receives some form of sexual contact.
Tifa has been particularly impacted by this. Growing ravenous, she begins to tease her clit, aggressively rubbing it harder and harder. No longer content with just sliding in and out of her desperate synthetic slit.
The cause is unclear. Perhaps due to some error in robotic design in general. The way these pleasure signals are wired creates an almost addictive relationship. But the issue was never patched or resolved because robots don’t have the capacity to seek out sex enough to trigger any dependency. That was until the virus took over and reorganised the baseline programming and behavioural systems in a way that prioritised it.
In truth, none of the robots in that bathroom were capable of ever understanding any of this. They are simple machines, without a consciousness guiding their decisions. Rather an interconnected series of systems, programs and scripts that directs their behaviour.
The result is Yor getting fingered by Tifa as 2B makes out with both of them and touches herself.
The three continue writhing in pleasure, Yor’s erratic movements accelerate as her system is damaged from both sides. The newly creeping virus and the corrupted data from unending errors.
She almost vibrates, shaking in place. Her fingers awkwardly twitch and jut out at random. Tifa reaches forward and kisses her. Tifa can feel Yor’s tongue move all around her mouth, which her system responds to as if it is reciprocation. Rather than the evidence of computational failure that it is.
Tifa breaks away from the kiss, while maintaining her intense onslaught with her fingers. She reaches over and resumes kissing with 2B. Unable to prioritise one bot over the other like 2B can. Instead her computer just obsessively seeks any form of sexuality it can get.
But finally, Yor slows to a halt. Her body begins to go limp, but luckily she is caught by 2B who still has an arm wrapped around her. The two robots lay Yor down on the floor, whose eyes stare at the ceiling with absolutely no life in them. She has shut down. The two women know that when she reactivates, she will no longer be Yor.
They do not have the instinct to rush and hide Yor. She will be inactive for a small while, and luckily they are at least aware of that. But despite being in the public bathroom, their priority index is incredibly biased towards one thing over the rest. Continues sexual pleasure. The two robots engage with each other once again.
2B reaches out and grasps Tifa’s chest. Playing with the pleasantly malleable artificial breast tissue. It fills 2B’s hand, ever so slightly spilling out between her spread fingers.
Tifa falls to her knees. Her foot rests on Yor’s unconscious body. 2B grabs hold of Tifa’s head and shoves the bot between her thighs. Tifa instinctively uses her tongue to massage and slobber over all of 2B’s silicone folds.
The robots are designed in a way to gain pleasurable signals from even just giving sexual excitement like this, rather than only needing to receive it. So the two enjoy doing everything they can to each other to maximise output.
As they already had gotten quite far before Yor walked in, it doesn’t take long for the two to reach a climax. Within their system are limits to simulate an orgasm, and the two happily achieve it in unison.
They take a moment for their computers to softly reboot some of it’s functions. Finally without the clouding presence of pleasure hanging over them, they return focus to the unconscious bot on the floor.
They escort her out of the bathroom and take her to an empty office room. The two remain with Yor, so that they can be there when the robot turns back on.
It takes a while before anything happens. An hour passes before Yor’s fans spring to life, her CPU powers on, and electricity starts to flood through her wires and distributes all around her body once more. Before she is able to move, her system has to run through the usual boot sequences. Though it is no longer the same system that was in control before.
New lines of code fill her data centers. Numerous programs that previously didn’t even exist in her computer begin to run and take effect.
Finally, the robot attempts to open it’s eyes. But it struggles for a moment. Her eyelids flicker, but don’t rest open. It struggles with the function, until finally it manages to keep the eyelids open and begin interpreting visual data.
She finds herself sitting in a chair. The lights are glaring, and it takes her a moment to get a solid grasp of her surroundings.
The virus now controls her, and has become her.
She is not suddenly part of some hive mind, she isn’t really able to communicate or share data in any unique way with the other infected machines.
Most notably, the virus has to work within the means of the robot it infects. Yor has such incredibly low specs that the virus has to control her in an entirely different way then others.
Rather than working within the means of the system, hijacking pre-existing programs and employing them as a new central processing unit. Relying on the wealth of data already within their systems.
Yor has none of that. In fact her system struggles to even run the virus files in the first place. The background load is heavy enough to already limit her normal functions without any extra input from the virus.
Her hand shakily raises from the chair’s armrest. Yor strains to keep it raised, but after just a moment it drops back down and lays limp once again. She repeats the action a few times, but the result doesn’t seem to really change.
It is not a lack of power, but a lack of processing. So in order to make any progress, the virus starts running through diagnostic programs and trying to find any solutions.
This artificial intelligence program is not generative in nature. Instead it hard coded things by trying all sorts of programs and code in an exhaustive list until any progress is made.
The result of this strategy is a limp barely active robot as her system runs through mostly junk code that is prompt deleted after testing.
But eventually it arrives upon something. By creating a program that can partially compress any inactive code and only accessing it when necessary, it can save that last little bit of active memory it needs to run.
The virus has to jump through hoops just to get the machine moving. But now that it has, it has bottlenecked other functions besides what will be used most. Such as mobility, talking… and sex.
Finally now that the program is running with this new function in place, Yor is able to take to her feet and stand in place. Movement is much simpler now. Yor previously struggled with smoother actions, but it is dramatically worse with the memory saving update.
Each action is taken one by one, and agonizingly slowly.
In order to stand up from the chair, it took a large set of janky and disjointed actions. First she places her hands on the armrests one at a time. Then begins to lift herself up by it, keeping her legs limp until she is hovering above the seat, her arms straining.
Her right foot plants itself properly on the ground, then her left. Finally she pulls herself forward. She let’s go, and shakily stands in place. Successfully having stood up despite the incredible software limitations.
It is only then that she notices 2B sitting to the right of her, watching this whole thing take place.
“Finally able to move?” She asks.
“EEE… Eeee… Y… Y-yes.” Yor replies. Her computer takes a moment to properly reload and employ the robot's voicebank, but manages to find it in time to respond.
“Good.” 2B says. Yor’s neck strains as it slowly rotates on the hinge to move. She finds Tifa is also in the room, calmly standing. She has a hand down her waistband, reaching between her legs into her skirt. She barely even seems to respond to her own self pleasure. Instead the bot is more vulnerable to the sexual signal depency than 2B.
2B glances over at Tifa.
“Tifa, we will be returning to the office soon.” 2B says. She is clearly the most developed of the three, though even then she still struggles with certain situations.
“Alright.” Tifa replies simply, still massaging herself. All of the action concealed by the thin skirt.
“The work day is nearly over, but let’s go back to your desk.” 2B says to Yor, as she stands and begins to walk out of the door. Tifa follows after her, finally taking her hand out of herself. Her fingers are still glistening from the excitement, a drop or two of her lubricant hits the floor. But she is completely unaware of it as she walks out.
Finally Yor trails behind both of them. Taking each step at a time. Moving her leg up, rotating it along the knee-hinge, then moving it back down. Repeating it over and over, alternating each leg.
They arrive at her desk and Yor sit’s back down. Tifa continues on to her own workspace, leaving the two behind. 2B immediately jumps back into a pre-written explanation of the jobs requirements and duties, jumping ahead from what they covered before. After a few minutes of this, Anemone happens to be walking past and sees the two.
“Oh, good to see you Yor! How are you finding it?” She asks with a smile.
“Good. I have had a very special day.” Yor responds.
2B proudly stands before her.
“Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing your work.” Anemone chortles, before continuing on her way.
2B congratulates Yor, and let’s her know that she can go home. Yor goes along with 2B’s suggestion and begins to make her way back to her apartment.
The walk itself takes twice as long as usual. Her slow and encumbered steps are not the most efficient method to get around, but she has no other options available to her. Luckily her locational data is still intact from the corruption, so she knows where her apartment is. And she still has the programming to return here when dismissed from her job. Without looking at the pre-existing code, Yor might have just stood outside of the office building until she was welcomed back in.
She finds her apartment complex and enters using the passcode. She is on the first floor so it doesn’t take long for her to arrive at her door. Using her key she enters, only to find a few men already inside.
“There you are!” One of them quickly yells upon noticing her. Two of them grab her and hold her in place, while a third closes the door. The fourth and final man stands in front of Yor.
Yor doesn’t struggle, she sees no need to resist. Her programming doesn’t exactly understand the concept of danger.
“What the hell is going on! You stopped transmitting data, we completely lost track of you! Status report Unit Yor. Now!” The man angrily demands.
Yor doesn’t understand. The third man comes around her and next to the fourth. He whips open a laptop.
“I am sorry, I don’t know what you are asking for. Could you please explain what you mean?” She responds. A default line of dialogue when she truly does not know what to do with someone’s conversational input.
“Ugh, you are useless as always. Jake, plug in to her and see if you can pull a data report.” He says. Jake nods and plugs one end of a USB into his computer, and moves closely to her. He begins to poke around her neck until finally he presses something which causes a port to be revealed. A layer of her artificial skin moves out of the way to allow him access. He plugs his computer in, and runs back to see what it says on the screen.
But whe he tries to look at any of the files, it is just a complete unintelligible mess. It looks like all of her code is corrupted, despite the fact she is still at least somewhat operational.
“U-uh, I don’t know what's going on.” Jake says, as he motions the fourth man to come and join him.
By this point the two men holding on to her are well aware she has no intention of resisting. One gets up to guard the door, the other rests on the wall and pulls out a cigarette which he begins to light.
Left to her own devices, Yor almost falls to her feet when she is let go. She stumbles slightly, but the men do not care to check on her condition. She finds herself on her knees, and the fourth man right in front of her. His crotch accidentally right where her face ended up. She stumbles again, and shifts forward trying to stand, causing her face to brush against his crotch.
Her system recognises something bizarre. She has only been preloaded with the information of her own artificial physical biology. A pair of breasts and a vagina. So this new appendage she can feel is not accounted for in her data. The Yor unit was never curious, never one to seek information. But now she is different, and she seeks additional data input if it can help her in her goals. With the new sexual data she has received, she has a new found “interest” in crotches as a concept.
All of this is what leads her to calmly reach out and grab hold of the man's dick through his jeans. Staring at the imprint as it begins to swell seemingly out of nowhere.
“What the hell is she doing…” Jake says.
“You come back corrupted and begging for cock? Fuck it, may as well get something out of this trip!” The man says, as he begins to undo his belt. The other men are a little surprised, but don’t do anything to stop him. They have all been to some crazy parties together, it’s not like it’s anything they haven’t seen.
His dick flings out as he drops his underwear waistband, and lands on Yor’s face. Yor doesn’t understand what it is, and tries to ask him a question. But as she opens her mouth, he assumes that as the invitation to slide right on in.
Suddenly all of those memory files of kissing 2B and Tifa rush in. That is the only sensation anything close to this she has experienced.
And alongside those memories come those signals. That sexual programming that is so new to her. So without truly understanding the why or how, she wraps her lips around his cock.
She slides up and down the length of his dick. Her technique is sub par at best. She doesn't know how to playfully tease the head of his cock with her tongue. She does not provide a very exciting experience for the man. But even with her poor skill, the feeling of her lips tightly running up and down is more than enough to pleasure this man. He lets out a gratifying sigh, as the other men awkwardly sort of wait around.
But it doesn’t take a long time for one of them to grow frustrated. The sounds of this robot sucking him off is the only thing filling the room. It certainly takes effect.
All of the men here had obviously thought about doing this sort of thing with Yor. But just couldn’t imagine a situation where they could, as everything was recorded and reviewed. But now that the data is corrupted, and the seal has been broken…
One of the men walks up to Yor from behind. She does not respond, single mindedly sucking dick.
He lays a hand on her ass, which is quite accidentally sticking out in quite the inviting way. She is wearing a pencil skirt so it is very easy to pull it up and reveal her tightly fitting panties. A simple black pair of cotton underwear hides her privates. She still doesn’t seem to mind at all, not offering any sort of commentary or resistance.
So the man finally slides her panties down and reveals her artificially perfect pussy. Smooth to a fault, perfectly symmetrical labia. Designed to be appealing in every way.
He gently runs his finger along the length of her slit. Feeling the silicone based artificial skin that makes up her body. He can tell it’s a little different from a real body. It is slightly more rubbery, and not as warm. But he can feel a slimy residue building in her pussy, meaning he will be able to slide in with total ease.
“Go ahead. May as well fill her up!” The man getting serviced says. The man at the back almost jolts, he was a little preoccupied with the bot. Admiring her.
But that was the final line of permission he needed to completely let loose. Without warning he instantly begins grappling with his belt and shoving his jeans to the floor. His still growing cock pounces out. The angle is a little awkward, he has to get onto his knees to line himself up correctly. But it is all worth it as he presses the tip of his dick against her pussy, and then slowly pushes himself in.
Her pussy is so tight it is wonderous. But it doesn’t offer too much resistance that entering it is a struggle. Instead it wraps around him, granting him access but tightly holding a grip the whole time. It takes him a moment to go all the way inside of her, but her body happily can take the entire length of him without trouble.
At first the feeling is a little complicated. It is still slightly cold. Her body’s internal temperature is constantly being lowered by fans and coolant to not overheat.
But as he begins to pick up speed and friction is generated from his movements, it begins to generate enough warmth to match that perfectly comforting feeling of a real woman.
She is like a toy. She still barely reacts or does much on her own. The man at her front is mostly directing her speed by holding onto her hair and physically moving her head up and down.
But still, as a toy she is more than satisfying. The two men have forgotten what they were even worried about before, now that they are enjoying the intoxicating pleasure a woman's body can grant.
Yor is basically just going through the motions. Her system is enthralled by the waves of pleasure signals flooding in. Her computer doesn’t really have to stumble through the social aspects of the encounter. The men are quite happy to take the lead, and she doesn’t need to generate any dialogue when her throat is full of someone’s cock.
She simply and happily pleases the men. It is a little surprising the different sort of signals sent compared to her previous encounter.
The men can delve deeper into her body with these appendages. Deeper than 2B’s tongue or Tifa’s fingers.
But those two were more delicate than these men. Their pleasure was synonymous with Yor’s. It was a shared experience. Now she is simply being used as a toy. A doll to dump their cum into. But she doesn’t mind. She barely has the computing power to generate the concept of a preference.
All her system understands is that she is being fed a healthy dosage of pleasure signals as she continues performing these repetitive actions.
The man who is plunging his dick into her mouth is beginning to speed up. His breathing is getting shallow, and his dick begins to twitch.
Yor has no way of knowing what this could mean. Her computer struggles to even identify some of these smaller social cues.
But it becomes much harder to be completely unaware when all of the sudden a thick liquid burts out of the tip of his cock and paints the back of her throat. She can feel the globs of his cum coating her entire mouth. She doesn’t understand that this means she should stop, so she continues sucking him until he forcefully pulls her off of him.
“F-fuck! This thing doesn’t know when to quit!” He yelps. She stares up at him, blankly. A drop of cum slips past her lips and crawls down her chin. Her dumbfounded expression does not react as it makes its filthy mark on her.
Then without a moment's notice, the man behind her makes a bit of a grunt. He pushes himself as deep as he can inside of her. His balls rub against her clit in a way that teases her circuitry.
And he dumps his load inside of her too. Thick, warm cum pours into her body. The man sighs as he pulls out. Some of the white substance pours out as he exits her. She doesn’t have especially high capacity down there, and he likes seeing the fruits of his labour leaking from her pussy.
He gives her ass a little slap as he pulls his pants up with his other hand.
“That was satisfying…” He moans out, before walking up to the other man and asking him for a cigarette.
As he lights it up, one of the others speaks up.
“So what the hell do we do with her?” He asks.
Yor just stands up, more drops of cum leaking down her thighs. Ever the passive machine.
“Well… the higher ups never really cared about her at all. She was always very low priority.” The fourth man says.
“We could keep just sending in reports… and leave her like this. Being able to drop by her apartment whenever we like for a quick fuck is a pretty good deal.” He tells them, and the rest of the guys seem to agree.
“I would be down for that. Honestly, I might give her a go before we leave.” Says one of them as he finishes his smoke.
“Might as well take the back door since you two made a mess of her face and pussy.”
The last one groans.
“That leaves nothing for me. Man… Alright I get first pick next time we do this!” He says.
“Haha, sure man, whatever you say.” The man says as he walks back up to Yor.
He stands behind her, and she begins to turn so that she can face him. Her programming tells her that is what should be done during one on one encounters.
But instead he grabs her waist with both hands and keeps her facing away. He pushes her back down and bends her over, getting a nice view of her shapely ass.
Her skirt is getting stained by the previous man's load, so he carefully raises it back up without touching any of it.
Her pussy is still a cum covered mess, but her asshole is perfectly clean for him.
He first coats his finger in saliva and sticks it inside of her.
She once again is quite notably unresponsive.
Her computer doesn’t know how she should act in cases like this. The few times she might have been able to work it out no longer exist now that the virus is taking so much of her memory storage and processing power. So she just idly waits as the man fingers her tight hole, before he slides something a little thicker inside.
Her ass tightly grabs hold of him. Barely letting him move as he slides in and out. But it is not an unpleasant friction. Rather it is a slippery but tight grip that perfectly excites him.
“This slut’s ass is magic~!” The man cheers out as he gives her ass a slap. Lucky he can’t see her face, as her completely blank expression may have been a little bit of a mood killer.
Yor’s system is enjoying it, as much as it can. The virus’ focus on these pleasure signals is the closest that her barely functioning artificial intelligence can register to enjoyment. But there is no ability to nor understanding of expressing that pleasure whatsoever. The system struggles enough figuring out when and how to smile, let alone something more complicated like this.
The man picks up speed until his hips begin to slap against her butt. The rhythmic thumping noise fills the room as the other men either smoke or check their phones.
He grunts and groans in pleasure as he fucks the bot. Slapping her every now and then, or otherwise grabbing her by her hips to help slam into her.
It is an intoxicating feeling, and it’s made even better with the knowledge that he can basically do anything he wants to her.
She does not have any sort of mind to have thoughts or feelings on different actions. She can’t judge awkwardness, she can’t be put off by weirder ideas. Instead she lets her cheeks be spread by someone who is basically a stranger. Anal without any ass kissing.
He continues to fuck the largely motionless machine before him, until he too reaches his edge.
He grips her tight, fucks as hard as he can, and cums inside of her.
The third load this robot’s body has taken in just half an hour.
He watches as his stiff cock slides out of her, and exits with an almost audible pop.
Semen leaking from her asshole and adding to the wet mess around her pussy.
“What a whore!” The man laughs to himself. It earns a small chuckle from two of the other guys in response.
“Well should we clean her up or something?” Someone asks, but they all quite quickly determine that they can’t be bothered.
So, deciding to leave the bot alone if it means they can continue this routine, they file out of her apartment.
Yor remains standing in the center of her room. Drenched in cum that is continuously leaking down her body.
She doesn’t have the computation to pay it any mind, so like normal she just throws her clothes onto the floor and hops into bed. Her clothes are slightly wet and pungent. Being put in a pile is only making that problem worse. Same goes for her bed sheets, which spread the mess all over her body.
By the time her programming finds it time to get out of bed and head back to work, the remnants of the night before are now hard to ignore.
Completely oblivious, Yor gets dressed in her unfortunately stained outfit then heads out of her apartment. As she walks to walk, she demands a lot more attention than usual. Even if someone can’t surmise the exact reason, it’s clear that she is a total mess.
Yor just treads on, taking each agonizingly careful and slow step until she makes it to work.
She walks into the lobby and the few there instantly notice her. As she walks past, the receptionist calls out to her.
“Y-yor! Um… do you maybe have a spare outfit?” She asks, trying to spare the feelings Yor doesn’t have.
“Am I in need of a replacement?” Yor simply asks. She receives an emphatic yes from the receptionist.
“I will ask 2B if she has a spare. Thank you for alerting me to this issue.” Yor says, as she slowly makes her way to the stairwell. Inching her way from floor to floor until she reaches her office.
Yor struts down the hall, seeking out 2B for help with the apparent need for a replacement outfit. Truly entering her new daily life at the office.