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Featured Author - February Mirage Story of the week: View past Author's of the Month |
"Sir, I see nothing wrong with the android." the repairman yelled out from the kitchen. "Of course something is wrong, she had smoke coming out from her main panel!" I yelled back, entering the kitchen. I then dropped the milk on the floor from the shock of what I saw. Ellen was sitting there on a chair beside the repairman, with her head in his hands, her open neck was showing servos, circuits blinking and wires sticking out. "I see nothing wrong with her! But she damn put up a fight with me when I was trying to remove her head." the repairman said with a chuckle. Slowly, I walked up to him, "She's an android?" I asked him confused. He looked at me and then look at Ellen's head. "Ah! Shit, don't tell me you didn't know she's a robot!" he laughed out. "No... the android that needs repair is sitting there." I pointed to Mary, who was sitting behind the kitchen counter. "Damn, didn't see her there. I just took out my reader and made a positive android find on this one and I thought she was the one who needed repairs." the chubby repairman said, putting Ellen's head back on her shoulders. "That android is my wife, we've been married for almost three years now." I mumbled out, still in shock, looking at Ellen's open, empty eyes. |
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